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Force Talk: Professor Margaret Gardel - Control of cell shape and proliferation in model epithelial tissue


31JanText providing details of seminar with DNA banner at top with King's and Leverhulme Trust logosPart of Force Talks


Join Professor Margaret Gardel from the University of Chicago for a Force Talk entitled "Control of cell shape and proliferation in model epithelial tissue".


Epithelial tissue both determines and maintains organ shape and boundaries. To maintain cell-cell adhesion (and preserve transepithelial barriers) during dynamic cell processes (e.g., mitosis, apical extrusion) requires local AJ tension and length remodeling. In particular, contact inhibition of proliferation (CIP) is a process whereby local mechanotransduction in dense epithelial tissue results in cell cycle arrest. We have studied cell dynamics during the epithelial remodeling that occurs in proliferative tissue prior to contact inhibition. During this time cell-cycle drives adherens junctions remodeling to result in more hexagonal cell shapes. In addition, in the absence of space for cell volume increase, this remodeling also involves a series of volume-reducing cell divisions. Thus, tissue-scale confinement leads to a dramatic 250% decrease in cell volume. I will describe these, and other recent findings on epithelial cells sense mechanical cues from their surrounding tissues environment to control their shape, size, and proliferation.

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At this event

Professor Sergi Garcia-Manyes

Professor of Biophysics

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