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Global Engagement


Global reach is a core pillar of King’s Internationalisation strategy; it is King’s ambition to engage and work collaboratively in every region of the world, through the development of equitable partnerships with like-minded institutions, membership in university networks, and engagement with key regional and national stakeholders. 

Regional strategies guide our engagement priorities by informing our regional networks and partnerships, our internal hubs for engagement, sharing of best practices, and horizon scanning.

Our engagement with the world provides diverse and enrichening educational experiences for our students, as well as fosters and supports joint research that addresses global challenges and contributes to the prosperity of local and global communities.

This engagement also provides opportunities for delivering Service, with joint projects and volunteering opportunities for students and staff.

Contact us

King's College London, Room K0.58, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS





Working with partners across the continent

East Asia

East Asia

Education and research partnerships across the region



Learn about our collaborations with European partners

Latin America

Latin America

Deepening research and supporting educational opportunities

Find out more



Discover more about our international university networks

Contact us


Where to direct your enquiry for the Global Engagement team