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Our renowned research profile attracts funding grants and projects from major national and international funders as well as business and industrial partners and public sector bodies. Research in the department covers a broad range of sub-disciplines of Computer Science including from interdisciplinary perspectives with the aim of exploring fundamental scientific questions as well as responding to key societal challenges and opportunities in an increasingly complex digital world.

Our remarkable growth in research income sees 60% of funding grants coming from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), with further funding from the UK government, European Research Council (ERC), and UK and international business and industry. Trainign and development is offered to staff to advise them on funding plans and grant applications, as well as identifying and supporting potential candidates for prestigious research awards such as ERC grants and EPSRC fellowships.

Our research groups and hubs

Our research is organised into research groups as well as cross-cutting hubs that provide a virtual clustering of researchers around major areas of computing research impact. This structure supports commitment to research of the highest scientific quality, and our ambition of ensuring the external impact of our research.



Research institutes



Discover our Centre for Urban Science and Progress

Net Zero Centre

Net Zero Centre

Find out more about the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences' Net Zero Centre.


Discover PhD study

We welcome postgraduate research students from around the world to join our world-leading community of researchers. PhD students are vital to advancing innovation and cutting-edge discovery across our areas of research. They work under the guidance of internationally renowned academic experts across a broad range of disciplines.

We offer an exciting research environment where PhD students can pursue their own projects in a variety of fields, exploring fundamental scientific questions as well as the key societal challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex digital world.

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