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The King's Legal and Political Philosophy Workshop Series, directed by Todd Karhu and Massimo Renzo is a forum devoted to discussing works in progress by today's leading legal philosophers as well as by promising younger talents from around the world. 

Anyone with an interest in moral, legal and political philosophy is welcome. Each session consists of a 45m presentation, followed by discussion.

Please register your attendance using the links below. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the workshops will be held in The Dickson Poon School of Law (Ante Room SW1.17), King's College London, Somerset House East Wing, Strand WC2R 2LS. 

2023/24 workshops

27 Sept 2023 | Mark Schroeder (University of Southern California)

11 Oct 2023 | Leif Wenar (Stanford)

6 Dec 2023 | George Pavlakos (University of Glasgow)

13 Dec 2023 | Larissa Katz (University of Toronto)

7 Feb 2024 | Scott Hershovitz (University of Michigan)

14 Feb 2024 | Kate Vredenburgh (London School of Economics)

Past workshops

Julia Driver (University of Texas, Austin)
12 October 2022:

Patrick Todd (University of Edinburgh)
16 November 2022

Prince Saprai (UCL)
07 December 2022

Alain Zysset (Univesity of Glasgow)
01 February 2023

Professor Kevin Toh (UCL)
16 March 2022

Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke)
09 March 2022
Abstract: Despite occasional inconsistency, Locke’s considered position on the right to revolution is that individuals in political society have no liberty to revolt against a tyrannical government unless a majority of their fellow citizens concurs in their judgement of tyranny. In a recent paper, Massimo Renzo (2020) takes an equivalent position, on which a revolutionary vanguard requires the consent of the domestic majority before being permitted to revolt. Against Locke and Renzo, I shall argue that even a solitary individual can have a liberty to revolt, whatever the domestic majority may hold.

Professor John Hyman (UCL)
02 February 2022
Abstract: Elizabeth Anscombe’s 1957 book Intention is probably the most important essay in the philosophy of action in the twentieth century, even if it is not (as Donald Davidson generously declared) the most important since Aristotle. The principal idea expounded in the book is that we can define intentional action by means of the concept of a reason, instead of defining it in terms of volition or the will. I shall discuss the relationship between acting intentionally and acting for a reason, and Anscombe’s conception of this relationship in Intention.

Professor Carla Bagnoli (Modena)
08 December 2022
Abstract: Despite the heavy weight of the past deliberations and decisions, temporally structured agents, such as we are, conceive of themselves as free to revise and alter their plans, free to come to terms with the claims of the past, and free to question whether past commitments still provide compelling reasons for action. Indeed, preserving such a freedom is an ethical and political priority, related to the right to develop a conception of the flourishing life of one’s own. To fully understand freedom to change and develop, we have to take into account temporal constraints on rational agency in ways that have largely escaped current debates. To make sense of normative adjustment, we need a dynamic conception of practical rationality, which draws on a plastic network of normative and cognitive capacities and competences, such as temporally oriented emotional attitudes and meta-cognitive capacities. The resultant view of dynamic self-governance promises a better understanding of diachronic conflicts of value, in contrast to shuffling and radical conversions.

Dr Gwen Bradford (Rice)
10 November 2021
Abstract: If the Mona Lisa, the Sistine Chapel, the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun, or the Sword of Goujian were destroyed, nothing, it is reasonable to think, could replace them. New works of art that are even more impressive may be created, or new artifacts may be discovered, which may replenish the value in the world in amount, but they would not, one might think, replenish it in kind. Works of art, historical artifacts, endangered species, and perhaps even you and me all have irreplaceable value. But just what is irreplaceable value, how is it different from other kinds of value, and why does it matter? I argue that irreplaceable value is a matter of intrinsic value in virtue of unreinstantiable good-making properties, which give rise to reasons to preserve and protect, in contrast to traditional intrinsic value, which is in virtue of reinstantiable good-making properties, and gives rise to reasons to promote.

Professor Sarah Moss (Michigan)
Workshop: 'Pragmatic Encroachment and the Law'
Wednesday 17 March 2021

Professor Alec Walen (Rutgers) and Professor Lorenzo Zucca (King's College London)
Title: ‘How to get published in Law and Philosophy'
Friday 12 March 2021

Professor Cecile Fabre (Oxford)
Workshop: ‘Victims’ duties to wrongdoers’
Wednesday 3 March 2021

Georgi Gardiner (Tennessee)
Title: 'Do Rape Accusations Rule Out Relevant Alternatives? On Uncorroborated Testimony and Legal Proof'
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Matthew Silverstein (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Title: The Aim of Practical Reasoning
Wednesday 27 January 2021

Professor Mark McBride (NUS)
Workshop: 'The Tracking Theory of Rights'
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Professor Thaddeus Metz (University of Pretoria)
Workshop: "A Reconciliation Theory of Legal Punishment"
Wednesday 18 November 2020

Professor Christian Barry & Professor Garrett Cullity (ANU)
Workshop: 'Offsetting and Risk-Imposition'
Wednesday 7 October 2020

Professor Samuel Freeman (Penn)
Workshop: TBC
Wednesday 11 March 2020 (16:00-18:00)

Dr. Elinor Mason (Edinburgh)
Workshop: 'Negligence, Rape and Ideology'
Wednesday 12 February 2020 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Matthew Kramer (Cambridge)
Workshop: 'Components of a Theory of Freedom of Expression'
Wednesday 22 January 2020 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Kimberly Ferzan (Virginia)
Workshop: "#BelieveWomen and the Presumption of Innocence: Clarifying the Questions for Law and Life."
Wednesday 20 November 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor David Shoemaker (Tulane)
Workshop: "The Trials and Tribulations of Tom Brady: Self-Blame, Self-Talk, Self-Flagellation"
Wednesday 16 October 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Dr Annette Zimmermann (Princeton)
Workshop: "Algorithmic Injustice Beyond Discriminatory Harm"
Thursday 3 October 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Liam Murphy (NYU)
Workshop: 'Illusory Moral Rules: How Law Misleads Us about Morality'
Wednesday 20 March 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Robert Audi (Notre Dame)
Workshop: 'Can Law Be Naturalized? Legal Normativity, Moral Standards, and Political Obligation'
Tuesday 12 March 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Malcolm Thorburn (University of Toronto)
Workshop: 'Criminal Punishment and the Right to Rule'
Wednesday 6 March 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Roger Crisp (University of Oxford)
Workshop: 'Pessimism about the Future'
Wednesday 27 February 2019 (16:00-18:00)
Copies of Professor Crisp's paper are available via direct email contact with Professor Crisp.

Professor Véronique Munoz-Dardé (UCL and Berkeley)
Workshop: The Priest, the Liberal and the Harlot: Liberalism and Sexual Desire
Wednesday 6 February 2019 (16:00-18:00)

Professor David Enoch (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)*
Workshop: Statistical Resentment
Wednesday 30 January 2019 (15:00-17:00)

Dr. Alex Sarch (University of Surrey)
Workshop: 'Don't Be Cruel: Building the Case for Moral Luck in the Law'
Wednesday 7 November 2018 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Reem Segev (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Workshop: Reasons for Punishment: Actions, Agents and Consequences
Wednesday 3 October 2018 (16:00-18:00)

Professor Rainer Forst, Goethe University Frankfurt
Workshop: A Critical Theory of Transnational (In-) Justice: Realistic in the Right Way
Thursday 22 March 2018 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Andrei Marmor, Cornell University
Workshop: Soft Law, Authoritative Advice, and Nonbinding Agreements
Wednesday 21 February 2018 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Nancy Rosenblum, Harvard University
Workshop: "The New Conspiracism"
Wednesday 7 February 2018 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Joseph Raz, Columbia University & King’s College London
Workshop: The Democratic Deficit
Wednesday 24 January 2018 (16.00 – 18.00)

Dr Rowan Cruft, University of Stirling
Workshop: Property Rights for the Common Good
Wednesday 29 November 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Chiara Cordelli, The University of Chicago
Workshop: Prospective Duties and the Demands of Beneficence
Wednesday 6 December 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Dr Teresa Bejan, Oxford University
Workshop: What was the point of equality?
Wednesday 15 November 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor David Estlund, Brown University
Workshop: Approximation, Deviation, and the Use of Political Ideals
Wednesday 8 November 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Andrew Simester, King’s College London & National University of Singapore
Workshop: Moral Luck
Wednesday 25 October 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Professor Seth Lazar, Australian National University
Workshop: Aggregation and Risk
Wednesday 11 October 2017 (16.00 – 18.00)

Assistant Professor Kate Manne, Cornell University
Workshop: Exonerating Men
Wednesday 8 March 2017 (16.00 - 18.00)

Professor Antony Duff, University of Stirling
Workshop: Criminalizing Hate?
Wednesday 15 March 2017 (16.00 - 18.00)

Professor John M Finnis, Oxford University & University of Notre Dame
Workshop: The Nature of Law
Wednesday 15 February 2017 (16.00 - 18.00)

Professor Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Aarhus University
Workshop: Respect and Discrimination
Wednesday 8 February 2017 (16.00 - 18.00)

Professor Danielle Allen, Harvard University
Workshop: Difference without Domination
Wednesday 25 January 2017 (16.00 - 18.00)

Dr Kieran Oberman, University of Edinburgh
Workshop: War and Poverty
Wednesday 30 November 2016 (16.00 - 18.00)

Dr. Ulrike Heuer (University of Leeds)
Workshop: Responsibility for Failure and Negligence
Wednesday 9 November 2016 (16.00 - 18.00)

Professor Yitzak Benbaji, Tel Aviv University
Workshop: Pre-emptive Rules and the Scope of Defensive Rights
Wednesday 19 October (16.00 - 18.00)

Dr Matthew Clayton, University of Warwick
Workshop: Parental Anti-Perfectionism: A Political Argument
Wednesday 4 May 2016, 16:00-18:00

Professor Tim Scanlon, Harvard University
Equality, Liberty, and Coercion
Wednesday 16 March, 16:00-18:00

Professor Jeff McMahan, Oxford University
Workshop: Proportionality and Necessity
Wednesday 17 February 2016, 16:00-18:00

Professor Miranda Fricker, University of Sheffield
Workshop: Explaining Forgiveness
Wednesday 27 of January 2016, 16:00-18:00

Professor Samuel Scheffler, New York University
Workshop: Membership and Political Obligation
Wednesday 13 January 2016, 16.00-18.00


Professor Hans Lindahl, Tilburg University
Workshop: Collective Action and Emergent Global Legal Orders
Wednesday 25 of November 2015, 16:00-18:00

Professor Chris Essert, Queen’s University
Workshop: Property & Homelessness
Friday 27 of November 2015, 16:00-18:00

Dr Lea Ypi, LSE
Workshop: Revolutionary Partisanship
Wednesday 21 October 2015, 16:00-18:00

Professor Catherine Lu, McGill University
Workshop: Justice and Reconciliation in International Relations
Wednesday 7 October 2015, 16.00 - 18.00

Professor Alon Harel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Workshop: Against the Hierarchy: The case for discordant parity between constitutional & international law
Wednesday 25 March 2015, 16.00 - 18.00

Professor Victor Tadros, University of Warwick
Workshop: The Persistence of the Right of Return
Wednesday 11 February 2015, 16:00 - 18:00

Professor Anthony Duff & Professor Sandra Marshall, University of Sterling & University of Minnesota Law School
Workshop: Civic Roles and the Criminal Law
Wednesday 28 January 2015, 16.30 - 18.00


Gianfranco Pellegrino, LUISS, Rome (Linera Universita Internazionale degli Studi Social)
Workshop: Territorial Rights After Climate Change
Monday 8 December 2014, 16.00 - 18.00

Professor Michel Rosenfeld, Cardozo Law, Yeshiva University
Workshop: Should Justice be all-encompassing or subject to moral override? A pluralist account
Wednesday 29 October 2014, 16:00 - 18:00

Professor Martin Krygier, The University of New South Wales
Workshop:Transformations of the Rule of Law: Legal, Liberal, and Neo
Wednesday 1 October 2014, 15.30-17.30

Professor Michael Ignatieff, University of Toronto and Harvard University
Workshop: American Democracy, Human Rights & the Use of Force
Thursday 20 March 2014, 13.00 -15.00

Dr Angela Zhang, King's College London
Workshop: Politics in Chinese Antitrust Enforcement
Tuesday 18 March 2014, 13.00 - 15.00

Professor Stephen Darwall, Yale University
Workshop on Darwall's paper: Making the Hard Problem of Moral Normativity Easier
Wednesday 12 March 2014, 13.00 -15.0

Dr Ori Herstein, King's College London
Workshop: Standing
Tuesday 11 March 2014, 13.00 -15.00

Professor David Owens, University of Reading
Title: Three sources of wrong
Tuesday 7 January 2014, 13.00 -15.00


Dr Sylvie Delacroix: UCL
Title: From habits to practical reason and back again: Embodied agency and triggers for moral change
Tuesday 3 December 2013, 13.00 - 15.00

Dr Nigel Simmonds: Cambridge University
Title: The Bondwoman's Son and the Beautiful Soul
Tuesday 5 November 2013, 13.00 - 15.00

Professor Robert Audi, University of Notre Dame
Title: Freedom of Religion Conceived as a Human Right
Thursday 17 October 2013, 13.00 - 15.00

Dr Giorgio Pino, University of Palermo
Title: Legal Disagreements, Legal Ideology, Judicial Duty and Other Puzzles Surrounding the Rule of Recognition
Tuesday 1 October 2013, 13.00-15.00

Professor David Luban, Georgetown University
Title: Positivism and Separation of Law from just about Everything
Tuesday 9 July 2013, 13.00-15.00

Professor Seana Shiffrin, UCLA
Title: Legal regulation of Lying and Freedom of Speech
Thursday 6 June, 13.00-14.30

Dr Massimo Renzo, University of Warwick
Title: Moral Equality of Combatants and the Duty to Fight Unjust Wars
Wednesday 6 March 2013, 13.00-14.30

Professor David Enoch, Hebrew University
Title: A Defence of Moral Deference
Monday 4 February 2013, 13.00-14.30

Professor John Gardner, Oxford University
Title: Strict Liability in Private Law: Some Rule of Law Anxieties
Wednesday 9 January 2013, 13.00-14.30


Professor Stephen Perry, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Political Authority and Political Obligation
Wednesday 21 November 2012, 13.00-14.30

Professor Otto Pfersmann, Paris Sorbonne
Title: Against European Metaphysics
Wednesday 7 November 2012, 13.00-14.30

Professor Hoi Kong, McGill University
Title: Republicanism and the Division of Powers in Canada
Wednesday 10 October 2012, 13.00-14.30