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Our leadership team



Executive Dean of Faculty | Professor Irene Higginson OBE

Irene HigginsonProfessor Irene Higginson is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care and leads the Faculty's academic and strategic direction. She is Professor of Palliative Care & Policy, Founding Professor of the Cicely Saunders Institute, Honorary Consultant in Palliative Medicine, NIHR Emeritus Senior Investigator and Fellow of the Academy of Sciences. Irene is active in research and education and in the top 1% of highly cited academics.

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Director of Operations | Dr Andreia Carvalho N'Djai

andreia.carvalhoDr Andreia Carvalho N'Djai leads the professionla services team in the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care. Working with the Executive Dean, Andreia is responsible for Faculty strategy, planning resources and operations.

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Vice Dean, International | Professor Richard Harding

Richard HardingProfessor Richard Harding is is the Vice Dean International for the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care. Richard is the Director of the Cicely Saunders Institute and Herbert Dunhill Professor of Palliative Care & Rehabilitation. 

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Vice Dean, Education | Professor Mary Malone


Head and shoulders photo of Mary MaloneProfessor Mary Malone is the Vice Dean of Education for the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care. Mary is also a Professor of Nursing.


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Vice Dean, Research & Impact | Professor Glenn Robert

Glenn Robert headshotProfesssor Glenn Roberts is the Vice Dean of Research & Impact for the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care. Glenn is also a Professor of Healthcare Quality & Innovation.

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Research Division Heads



Teaching Department Heads



Associate Deans

  • Dr Mary Leamy

    Dr Mary Leamy

    Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Studies) and Senior Lecturer in Mental Health

  • Dr Mary Raleigh

    Dr Mary Raleigh

    Associate Dean (Practice Learning) and Senior Lecturer

  • Dr Julia Philippou

    Dr Julia Philippou

    Associate Dean (Postgraduate Taught Studies) and Reader in Nursing Education

  • Dr Mary Tanay

    Dr Mary Tanay

    Faculty Lead for Student Electives and Exchanges


Professional Service leads