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What is a Moot?

A moot is a mock court proceeding in which two pairs of advocates argue a fictitious legal case in front of a judge. Students aim to make the best presentation of their legal arguments. Each advocate has a set time to present their argument, rebut those of his or her opponent, and answer questions asked by the judge. Points are awarded for advocacy skills, quality of argument and legal research – even if the law is against you.

Mooting develops a range of professional skills including; analysis, interpretation, argument and public speaking. Mooting is also a great way of meeting new people, developing teamwork skills and, if you are successful in the international competitions, exploring the globe. 

There is an active mooting community at King’s with students from The Dickson Poon School of Law regularly taking part in national and international competitions. 

About Mooting at the School

The School also supports our many Student Society led moot competitions meaning that students have numerous opportunities to practice their oral advocacy.

Mooting is overseen by the School’s Director of Mooting and supported by the Student Experience Manager. Current students can find out more about current moots and how to get involved on our intranet / KEATS Professional Law pages.

The Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot

The Dickson Poon School of Law is very proud to offer students from across the world the opportunity to participate in the Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot. The competition is generously sponsored by Herbert Smith Freehills, one of the world’s leading law firms.

Teams are invited to submit memoranda which will be marked by competition law academics and practitioners. The 12 teams with the highest marked memoranda will be invited to an Oral Round. The competition provides an excellent opportunity for students to practise and improve advocacy skills in front of a judging panel drawn from international competition law specialists.

The Oral Round of the Moot is expected to take place fully in-person in London. As in previous years, the Moot organising team will closely monitor developments globally in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic and, if needed, will keep the participating teams informed as to any changes in the format of the competition.


The Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot is delighted to offer one scholarship of £2000 to pay towards the costs of participating in the Oral Round for student members of a team from a University in a Medium or Low HDI Country (based on the UNDP Human Development Index). This scholarship will be awarded to the student members of the team with the highest score in the Written Round and which qualifies to participate in the Oral Round.

With thanks to our partner Concurrences, temporary access to its database will be granted to all participating teams in the period of drafting the written pleadings. Team members from the two finalist teams will also be awarded with a One Year Subscription to Concurrences’ database and a selection of ebooks.

2024 Competition timeline

Publication of the problem question

15 December 2023

Registration opens

15 December 2023

Deadline for registration

28 January 2024

Deadline for requesting clarifications

2 February 2024

Publication of clarifications

23 February 2024

Deadline for submission of written pleadings

5 April 2024 (23.59pm UK time)

Announcement of finalists

27 April 2024

Moot Welcome Reception

13 June 2024

Oral Round 

14-15 June 2024


Registration is now open until 11.59pm GMT, 28 January 2024.

Problem Question, Rules & Final Report – 2024

2024 Problem Question 

(Clarification updates, if any, will be added on 23 February 2024)

Read the 2024 Rules

Read the 2023 Final Report


If you have any questions about the Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot, you can contact the organisers at, or follow the competition on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn for updates.