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Industry Placement Support

Gain real-world experience in a global business context by spending your third year in industry working at an organisation in the UK or overseas.

  • Develop the practical knowledge, skills, attributes and experience employers are looking for in graduates.
  • Learn more about how organisations work, explore your career interests and build up essential professional networks.
  • Apply the academic knowledge you’ve learned during your first two years of study to a real-life working context.
  • Use the practical knowledge you’ve gained on placement to enhance your academic understanding of your subject in final year.

Programmes with a supported placement year

The Global Placements team based in King’s Careers & Employability supports students on the following programmes who have a third year in industry included in their degree: 



What will your placement journey throughout your degree look like?

  • Discover: any point you are exploring different sectors, roles, and options available to you.
  • Focus: identifying the KASE you currently have through your degree and life experience so far, and which roles/sectors you may be able to utilise these most effectively. Then communicating this all through you CV.
  • Action: start to identify and apply for roles that interest you, plus undertake applications and interviews.  
  • Reflect: think about the knowledge you’ve gained through all of your experiences, keep updating and refining your applications, be more prepared for interviews, approach placement searching in a more systematic and/or organised way. 

Remember, you will fluctuate between each of these stages, so you may be in the Action stage already, and you may need to spend a bit more time researching sectors and move into the Discover stage. All of this is absolutely normal and part of the Placement searching journey. It isn’t linear, but different stages that you jump to and from until you find the right Placement for you, and we are there to support you in each stage!

How do we support you?

Whilst you are ultimately responsible for securing your own opportunities, the Global Placements team offers support to all students throughout their placement journey.

We have developed a specialised series of placement-specific events, workshops and online resources to support you to develop professional skills and feel ready to enter the world of work in your third year. These include:

    • 1-1 Careers Consultations
    • Placement Preparation workshops
    • Employer Networking Events
    • Peer Learning & Placement Student Socials
    • Dedicated in-placement support
    • An online placements hub full of resources and guidance on KEATS
    • King’s CareerConnect - our online vacancy board advertising hundreds of opportunities

Take a look at our Placement Celebration Event - just one of the ways in which we bring our Placement community together, providing an opportunity for those looking for placements to engage and learn from those who have returned from their placement experience!


You can also get in touch with our team directly to discuss your placement year.


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