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Policy Idol 2024  


Want to change the world? Have a brilliant policy idea that you'd love to see become reality?

Tell us about it for the chance to win cash prizes and get advice, training and support from leading experts.

Policy Idol is an annual competition open to all current students at King’s College London in which contestants pitch their policy ideas to a panel of judges from the worlds of politics, academia and industry.

Enter the competition

This year, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Policy Idol, we’re looking for pitches that tackle issues linked to one or more of the One King's Impact Challenges – priority areas where the university is working towards real-world change. Almost any subject will fit within one of these broad categories, which are:

  • Peace and justice
  • Climate action and sustainability
  • Living well with technology
  • Equality and social mobility
  • Good mental and physical health


What you can win

There are four cash prizes on offer at the competition:

  • Overall winner: £1,000
  • Best delivery: £500
  • Best analysis: £500
  • Audience prize: £250

Find out more about what to expect and hear students share what they got out of the competition