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Our department responds to the crucial importance of languages, literature and cross-cultural comparison in knowing and engaging with the world.


Studying Modern Languages with us means you not only become fluent in another language – French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish – but also study literature and other aspects of the cultures, histories and societies associated with that language around the globe. You can study one or two of these language areas, or take a combined degree with Management, History, Philosophy or English. All Modern Languages students (with just a few exceptions) spend a year abroad during their degree, whether in Europe, Martinique, Quebec, or South America – a wonderful opportunity. Many of the photos on this website were selected from entries to our Year Abroad photography competition.

Studying Comparative Literature with us means you’ll be exploring literature spanning 10 languages, 5 continents and over 2,500 years – with topics stretching from Europe to the Americas, Australia, India, the Middle East, and north and sub-Saharan Africa. You can also take a combined degree – with Classical Studies, or Film. You explore literature beyond the borders of one country or cultural group, and the interactions between literature and other forms of human expression, including the arts, the sciences, and cultural artefacts of all kinds.


Single honours


Combined honours

UCAS Code R902
Duration Four Years
Management and a Modern Language (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad BA

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UCAS Code R901
Duration Four years
Philosophy & Modern Languages (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad BA.

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UCAS Code R904
Duration Four years
English and a Modern Language (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) with a year abroad

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UCAS Code R903
Duration Four years
History and Modern Languages (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) BA with a year abroad.

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UCAS Code LP99
Duration: Three Years full-time (a modern languages major is four years, with a third year spent abroad)

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