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Volunteer with us


Giving back to society and to our community is an important part of what we do at King’s. Every year, thousands of alumni volunteer by sharing their time, expertise and connections to help others.

Whatever time you can spare, it’s easy to get involved and help others within the King’s community and wider society. You can do this by sharing your time, expertise, connections or story. And, at the same time, you’ll also learn new skills, develop experience and meet others.

Volunteer for your alumni community by sharing your:


  • Share your experiences, insights and memories at one of our international offer-holder events.
  • Help us welcome our graduates to the global alumni community.
  • Join us at one of our mentoring events as a mentor.

Every mentoring session is a learning experience for both mentor and mentee. I always learn at least as much as the individual that I’m mentoring.

Neil Braithwaite (Organisational Psychology and Psychiatry, 2002)


  • Speak at a careers and employability event.
  • Speak at a faculty or alumni event.
  • Become a Mentor.

I think having a mentor is an invaluable experience for an overseas student looking for a job in the UK, especially when the mentor is a successful leader working in the field we are familiar with, or that we want to pursue.

Laura Xu (Cultural and Creative Industries, 2022)


  • Share your career story.
  • Share your photos.
  • Make a recommendation.


  • Offer a current student work experience opportunities.
  • Offer a venue for alumni and student events, either in the UK or internationally.
  • Organise an alumni reunion.
  • Become an Alumni Ambassador.
  • Join or lead an International Alumni Group.


Why struggle to figure out how things work when you can talk to people who’ve done it before, who have a vested interest in ensuring their own sectors and industries continue to attract the best talent?

Patrick McCrae (History, 2009)
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Have any questions?

If you have any questions regarding our volunteering opportunities, please feel free to contact us: