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Wolfson Centre



Research in the Wolfson Centre focuses on the molecular basis of pain and hearing loss, and on neural repair and regeneration following disease and injury. Our fundamental mission is to understand the biological mechanisms behind these neurological and sensory disorders and harness this knowledge to develop new therapeutic strategies. To achieve these goals, we conduct cutting-edge translational neuroscience research in a positive, inclusive, and collaborative environment.

A core strength of the Wolfson CARD is the parallel use of pre-clinical cell and in vivo models, alongside human cellular models, which provides an essential platform for us to forward- and back-translate our fundamental research to and from the clinic. Additional strengths lie in our world-leading expertise in neuroplasticity, interdisciplinary neuro-immune research, high-throughput sequencing technologies, drug discovery and advanced therapeutics.

Our research spans the following areas:



How to Find us

The Hodgkin Building is located on Guy's campus. It is close to London Bridge on the South Bank of the River Thames and close to Guy's Hospital.

Hodgkin Building
Enter the Hodgkin Building Reception area and ask at the security desk for the Wolfson CARD.

Borough High Street is close to London Bridge and Borough tube stations. Find the alleyway located between Tesco express and Cards Galore at 145-149 Borough High Street. The Wolfson CARD is at the back of the alleyway, past Premier Inn.

Borough High Street Image by Craig Sheppard

The Senior Leadership Team are:

Co-Heads of Departments:

Professor Elizabeth Bradbury
Professor Susan Duty

Buildings and Resource Manager:
John Grist
Liz and Susan


Study with us

Study with us

If you are interested in studying psychiatry, psychology or neuroscience, explore our extensive,…


Discover more about Neuroscience at King’s

Our research

Our research

Leading the world in understanding brain function and finding new treatments for patients



Specialist neuroscience centres, world-leading in understanding the brain at all stages of life

Facilities & Resources

Facilities & Resources

World-class neuroscience facilities & resources, including MRI, neuroimaging equipment, and King's…

What is neuroscience?

What is neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system, from structure to function, in health and disease


News and events

9 Feb

NEUROART Exhibition

09 February 2024

NEUROART aims to provide a platform for neurodivergent people to share their living experience with…