10 Simple steps to do SEO for your website and get ranking:

  1. Keywords
  2. URL
  3. Title
  4. Description
  5. H1
  6. Content
  7. Alt tags
  8. Schema
  9. Internal linking
  10. Backlinks
  1. Keywords

Keywords are one of the most important things in SEO, if you have selected the best keywords for your business, stay rest assured that you will get quality traffic to your website. The key parameter is to do keyword research using different tools available online like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest and many more. Eg: “Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore”. Find relevant, good search volume keywords with good search traffic potential.

How to select the best keywords for your business?

First, you have to select long-tail keywords for your business using these keywords you will get a slight amount of traffic but quality leads. After getting continued ranking for those long-tail keywords your website will start ranking for LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords, synonyms, etc. 

LSI Keywords
LSI Keywords

Do competitor analysis also to get good keywords for your business using different tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Spyfu etc.

Keyword research is the first step for better SEO to get ranking and good quality traffic.

  1. URL

URL is the second most important thing in SEO, you can use keywords in your URL.

Which will improve your search engine visibility, use your relevant keywords. Eg: www.swaragh.com/digital-marketing-agency-bangalore

URL length should be 50-60 characters for better SEO ranking in search engines. If you use keywords in URL it will be easy to understand users and search engine crawlers. Try to use three to five words in the URL for easy understanding for users and search engine crawlers. 

If someone is looking in your URL also they will understand what content they will get inside.

Use the proper word in the URL for spacing between the words, use a hyphen(-), don’t use any other character for spacing and don’t use numbers also in the URL.

How to use keywords in the URL?

It is a very simple and important step to understand how to use keywords in the URL. suppose you have a domain “www.swaragh.com” and you have written an article on “10 Simple steps to do SEO for better ranking on search engines”. In this article your keyword is “Simple steps to learn SEO”, so you can give a full keyword in the URL like this, “www.swaragh.com/simple-steps-to-learn-seo”. If you don’t want to use ” to” in the URL skip that word like this ”www.swaragh.com/learn -seo-simple-steps” same meaning.

  1. Title

“Title” is very important because the user and search engine both can see the title with the keyword which you have used in the title of the webpage. If you have used relevant keywords in the title then it will be very easy to understand by search engines and users then they will click on your website link.  

Where will we get the title in the webpage?

Just go to the webpage and press “Ctrl+U” or right-click on the page and select View Page Source.

Title tags SEO
Title Tags

On Search engine:

Title & Descriptions
Title & Descriptions

The title should be 60-70 characters long, in this you can use your keyword properly which will attract your audience and valuable traffic also. So do proper keyword research before using in the title.

It is the first thing which the user sees in the search engine result page so be careful while writing the title for the web page.

4. Description

In this, you have to give a proper description of your webpage which will describe the content in the webpage and be easy to understand by users and search crawlers. Description length should be 160 to 170 characters. If possible include keywords in your description also with a proper sentence no keyword stuffing.

Meta Description – sometimes search engines take the description from your content because of the inappropriate description given by you which is different from your content so be careful while writing the meta description.

Sometimes the search engine will take more than 250 characters to show on the search engine result page. So better to write a meta description 160 to 300 characters.

Description tags SEO

5. Heading – H1

Heading(H1) is very important to understand the content in the webpage, it gives the idea about the content. In a webpage only one time you have to use h1 not more than once H2-H6 heading you can use any number of times but H1 should be only once.

Use proper heading(h1) which includes your keyword in it and explains the content present on the webpage.

Heading(h1) gives the idea about the content on the webpage so use proper wording so it is easy to understand by others and search crawlers.

Properly divide the subheading on the webpage from h1 to h6 and use different h1 for each page.

Many people who don’t know about SEO will skip this step, h1 tag is a very important step to understand about the content present on the web page for users and search crawlers so don’t skip h1 tag from any web page.

H1 tag gives a brief idea of the content present in the webpage, so for better exposure include keywords which you are trying to explain in the content of the webpage.

6. Content

Here comes a very important step where users and search engine crawlers depend or spend time on your webpage. If you are writing content for your website or blog be careful in this step because “Content is King”.

Content is very important in the website or blog because content only gets you traffic, leads etc, so while writing content properly use words, keywords and explain what the user is looking for. 

Word count should be more than 300 words, in this no limit for words but use proper keyword density 2% to 3%, I will suggest you, to write a content minimum of 1500 words for better ranking on search engine or Google. In this limit, you can explain easily about your product, services or anything related to your topic.

Use synonyms of the keyword which you are using in your content and LSI keywords will help you to create or write good content for your website or blog. Create and optimize content, pages for search engines and users not for the only search engine.

Make sure your website content is accessible to both bots, crawlers, and humans.

7. Alt tags

Image alt tags (about image or keyword) are for search engines to understand about the image so if someone searches that keyword what you have given to the image on search engine and give preference to images then your image will be shown on the search engine result page.

Optimize image properly, reduce the size of the image and give proper image file name and image alt tags for search engines.

 “alt attribute” and “alt description,” is a text alternative for search engines. It is an HTML code and is not visible on the page itself.

Alt tags SEO
Alt tags

8. Schema
Schema (schema.org) or Schema Markup is a structured data or microdata or semantic vocabulary that defines a property of the object, actions, and relationships on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.

Schema markup is a code that defines your website content to help search engines to provide informative results to the users.

Schema markup is created by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Yandex for people to provide features or information to search engines in a proper coding or in a proper structure so that search engines will understand and give better results in the form of featured snippets or knowledge graphs for users.

Markup your content using microdata html code or Json Code for search engines. For which things or content we can add schema it depends on your content in the website if it is related to the person then you can add person schema to the related content. If you want detailed information please go through the schema.org website.

Schema SEO

9. Internal linking

Internal linking is a very important step for users where you will get traffic to others pages of your website. 

Internal linking is between two pages of the same website using hyperlink or anchor text.

In this internal linking you have to use related topics of your website and internally you have to connect to each other. Using this technique users will spend more time on your website and they will find it more informative or interesting.

In internal links keep things very clear about the topic which you are explaining so users will understand what you are trying to explain in the given article or post so that they will see your others articles also in the webpage which you have internally linked.

If you have used internal linking in your webpage so it will improve engagement in your website. 

10. Backlinks

Backlink is a very important step because it recommends your website to a search engine where higher the authority of the backlink higher the chances of ranking so in this you have to choose a good website for backlinks.

Backlink is something where you will get a link from another website and if that is a dofollow link then you got a good backlink for your website. Try to get relevant backlinks from other high-quality websites.

In this we have many free sites to do to get backlinks. Some free sites you can do to get backlinks are Guest posting, Social Bookmarketing, Local Business Listing more.
Backlinks are also good and bad which affect you ranking on the search so be careful about the backlink process. If you want to read more about the backlink.


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